Model Profile: Alexa Chung


Alexa Chung, the British supermodel that reminds me more of the girl next door, her flawless figure and impeccable taste leave nothing to be desired. Now I have been promising this post for a while now, I am hoping that Model Profiles will become a monthly style post that allows you to see into the wonderful world of models. I am starting with my favorite model. When I look at Alexa Chung I become ever so continually amazed by her, she is not distant in any of her photographs, you can see her, they are honest.


Now for the important stuff, Alexa Chung’s style. What she wears is always flattering in style and perfectly suited to her personality. For example in the photographs below, you can see that she has dressed exquisitely to fit every situation no matter how different, from the red carpet to festivals.


I find that it’s better to get style ideas from what models like Alexa Chung wear when there not on the runway, this is because they still have the front row seats in fashion, yet are not being exaggerated by the runway. I hope these tips help you along your fashion journey.
